Who Is The Real Imposter Here?
There is plenty written about how to beat imposter syndrome. Like making a list of your accomplishments, exploring your relationship with failure, changing your internal narrative, and looking at facts not feelings. These things can help. I’ll offer a different perspective for you to reflect on.
Is Self Doubt So Bad?
What if self-doubt weren’t so bad? What if you changed the way you related to the self-doubt you experience? What if it were simply an indication of something you love and desire? What if it became a source of motivation and inspiration?
Leadership Ripples
My sister FaceTimed me this morning at 7am. She said she was thinking about me, but instead of a usual text to let me know, she decided to video call. We spoke for 10 minutes.
Are You Committed To Your Purpose?
I often hear people say they're scared to commit to another job or company, even if they're really unhappy where they are. "The devil you know versus the devil you don't."
Trust The…Process?
We're often told to trust the process. But it's hard to trust the process if you don't know why you're doing it.
Reflections On Leadership as a First Time Protester
I wrestled with what to do, say and share these last few weeks as I’m conscious of how easy it is to be performative with words and actions. I’m hyper aware of virtue signaling, and I want to share only where I feel I can add value rather than create more noise, especially given my whiteness.
How Coming Out Inspired My Work as a Leadership Coach
I kissed my best friend. And he was a man.
I knew this day would come. A part of me hoped it never would. It was the spring semester of freshman year in college, and he lived directly across the hall.
As I sat there looking at him, sensing that he had a crush on me, something terrifying happened.