What Your Goals Are Missing
When planning for the future, we tend to set our sights on a specific goal or outcome we want to achieve.
I want to get promoted this year.
I want to be a VP by the time I'm 30.
I want to double our headcount in 2021.
I want to find a new job in the next 12 months.
Whatever it might be, defining clear goals is great.
But there's another piece of this that's even more important that you're probably not considering...
What is the experience you want as VP of HR?
What is the experience you want as a leader in your org?
What is the experience you want by doubling your headcount?
Without getting clear on the experience, you'll find yourself having reached those goals and asking yourself...
What's it all for?
Why is this no fun?
Where's the meaning in this?
We don't work toward goals for the purpose of achieving them. We work toward goals for the experience it will create.
Just don't forget to define the experience.